Review Queue

March 22, 2009

Well, we have quite a few reviews to go through.


Type 100 by PPL15

Near by Konan

Arthas by Vexen

Ema Skye by PPL15

P: Well, these reviews will be done soon, so keep your shirt on! PLEASE!

PKV Reviews–The place for unofficial reviews!

March 22, 2009

Well, I see you’re here at PKV reviews. I’m PPL. The P in PKV.

K: Hello  and Welcome to PKV. I am Konan, the K in PKV.

V: Welcome to PKV. I am Vexen, the V in PKV.

P: Here at PKV, we each have our own review centers. I have the Review Easel, a reference to my artistic talents. I make very superfluous reviews coupled with many adjectives.

K: I have the Review Origami Workshop, a reference to my powers. I use very boring, yet straightforward reviewing techniques.

V: I have the Scientific Review Center, a reference to my prowess in experimentation. I have very eccentric review techniques that sometimes lead off-track.

P: Each of us will be making reviews for seperate movesets by the MYMers. It is sure to be a fun experience for us, as well as you, the MYMers.

K: Remember, this is all in good fun, and if anyhing we say offends you, please do not hesitate to tell us.

V: And lastly, remember to have fun and be creative.